Parklife 2013 @ Brisbane Botanic Gardens, 29.09.2012: Part 1

Parklife 2012 @ Botanic Gardens, Saturday 29 September 2012

When it came around to writing something about Parklife 2012, I realised that, months after the event, I had no notes and most of what had already been written in the quick round-up post applied when thinking back to that Saturday at the end of September

When it came around to looking to select the photos to go with the posts, I found that I hadn’t edited them for the site and so had to go back through them all the photos and work on them.  Although it’s a massive pain when you have to go through a whole series of photos that you thought you had already finalised, in a way it’s a pleasant surprise to revisit the shots and be reminded of the day and all the images you took away.   It’s always good to find that there’s some really nice photos in there to show.

As with all the Parklifes I’ve been to and photographed, the photos of the crowd make up a significant proportion of the daylight images.  As long as you stick a long lens on, keep your distance and avoid getting stuck into being grabbed from all angles while wandering through the crowd for socials, it’s a never-ending source of amusement.

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