Got another of those last minute requests, this time to cover Robert Forster‘s gig at the Brisbane Powerhouse, which I couldn’t say no to. Unfortunately it was a 3 songs and escorted out of the venue job, which was a shame as I always enjoy seeing him play. In addition, it was a bit of a frustrating shoot as we were only allowed to photograph from way out to the side of the stage, the high positioned lighting meant dark shadows under his brow so it was hard to get a shot of his eyes, and he played the first three songs (at least) solo on an acoustic guitar with the rest of his band no where in sight. Not the greatest shots ever. Although the colour of the lighting was fine, as usual, I prefer the monotone shots.
Better Robert Forster photos can be seen in my blogs for The Brisbane Sound and the 4 Ages of Robert Forster residency at the Powerhouse last year.
Hi Justin,
Having read this post and especially your Vines post I was struck by your uninhibited way with criticism. I think it’s great, it just stands out in light of all the recent chatter about the (lack or otherwise of) independence of the Australian music press and especially the street press, since you’re one of those people who must rely on being invited back and given “access”.
Anyway, enjoying the photo’s and words.
(Sorry if this comment came up twice)
Thanks for the comment Ben.
I guess I started blogging as I had all these photos that I’d taken, and being a big fan of the combination of photos + words just wanted to make us of them and write little stories to go with them. As I’m doing it on my own little bit of cyberspace, read by like about 10 people or whatever, I’ve never really thought that I might be denied access becuase of what I’ve written on my blog. I’m guessing if I wrote live reviews for street press I might have to be more politcial in terms of how/what I wrote.
But access isn’t everything. I love photographing music. I’ve never reallly been about only photographing the big, high profile acts and am more than happy photographing local bands. A lot of photographers seem to only be interested in the big stuff at the big venues and are largely oblivious to the local scene, which i think is a bit bad. Having said that, I often think that maybe because I am happy photographing smaller stuff at smaller venues that I miss out on the big stuff when the gigs gets allocated to all the photographers. But that’s a story for another time…