UnderExposed – An Exhibition by Brisbane Concert Photographers
I am exhibiting a number of my photos in ‘UnderExposed – An Exhibition by Brisbane Concert Photographers’ at the Joshua Levi Gallery in Woollangabba. The exhibition opening night is on Friday 17 April and it runs until Monday 4 May. As well as the music photography exhibition, the event also has  live music on the Friday and Saturday […]
Blog is 3
Today is the third anniversary of me starting to do a regular photo blog, first on Myspace and now here, on my very own bit of internet, using WordPress. In the three years I have written 197 blog posts, with this post now being number 198. I posted in last year’s anniversary post, just after […]
Bon Iver + Mckisko @ The Tivoli
The whole Alt Country/Alt Folk scene has been flirting with the mainstream for a number of years, near enough since the start of this decade, but with Fleet Foxes and Bon Iver battling for supremacy in most of the music media’s end of year polls, 2008 definitely seems to be The Year That Folk Broke. From one […]
The Black Keys + Gomez + Dr Dog @ The Arena
It’s Monday the fifth of January. For many it’s the first day back at work after the Christmas and New Year holidays. The Black Keys are playing at The Arena, with a really good support band in Gomez and one of the worst named bands ever, Dr Dog, opening.  Although there are three bands on the bill, the doors […]
Stars + Firekites @ The Zoo
There is a new (although temporary-looking) sign next to The Zoo’s door tonight, repeated up the stairs to the front desk and also in the venue itself; ‘No Flash Photography’. Restrictions at The Zoo used to be fairly non-existent, although that’s all changed thanks to Perth band Birds Of Tokyo getting precious enough about it […]
ATP Mt Buller: Part 6
Despite only living in Melbourne, a reluctance to play anywhere near as north as Brisbane in a number of years makes Rowland S Howard a real personal draw-card. Having never seen him in the flesh his gaunt appearance is a bit of a shock, but he is in good humour, and with his excellent but […]
ATP Mt Buller: Part 5
If there is one major criticism that could be leveled at the ATP Australian line-up, it’s that it’s very male and very middle-aged. In that respect, Afrirampo are like a breath of fresh air. Sure, they have the whole clichéd Japanese female punk band thing, with the colorful outfits (resplendent with artistic face make up), the […]
ATP Mt Buller: Part 4
All the exertion of the previous day as taken it’s toll as I wake to a world of pain, with extremely sore knees and back. Things are taken more leisurely than at Splendour, when the alarm was set for 6am on both days, so editing the first days photos starts at a more reasonable hour, […]