Harvest @ The Riverstage, 19.11.2011 – Part 1

If there’s always a major downside to any festival, it’s the clashes between bands playing different stages at the same time. The bill gets announced, looks amazing, is full of acts you want to see, so you rush out and buy a ticket. Then a week or two before the festival, the timetable gets released […]
That Was The Year That Was 2011

As it’s already heading towards March, here’s the list of what I photographed during 2011 and sometimes even manged to find the time to blog about… Sunset Sounds – Day 2 @ The Riverstage, 6 January 2011 HEALTH @ Woodland, 15 January 2011 Big Day Out @ Gold Coast Parklands, 23 January 2011 Owen Pallett […]
Soundwave 2010 @ RNA Showgrounds, 20.02.2010 – Part 3

Soundwave 2010 – The Final Push Jane’s played Up The Beach, Mountain Song and Ain’t No right. All the togs have stayed for song 4. Three days. See you in 11. 6:40 PM Feb 20th via mobile web Whores, Been Caught Stealing, …And She Did. Woah. Great setlist. #soundwave 6:55 PM Feb 20th via […]
The Damned @ The Hi-Fi, 19.01.2012

The Damned have always been one of those bands that I knew who they were but outside a few songs, didn’t really know much about them, despite their importance and position in the 1970s UK punk scene. To be honest, I’ve never been that much of a fan of UK punk music; never thought much of […]
Deerhoof + Sky Needle + Tight Slip @ Woodland, 10.01.2012

It’s probably the hottest day of the summer so far and although I’m heading to a gig in the Valley, I’m feeling a bit smug about the whole thing as it’s at Woodland and not The Zoo. The Zoo may be my favourite venue in Brisbane but over summer it turns into a real sweat-box that makes seeing […]
Metronomy + Oscar+Martin @ The Zoo, 04.01.2012

I came to Metronomy initially through reviews and interviews, rather than by actually hearing any of their songs. The point of interest was that the band’s main songwriter and singer, Joseph Mount, comes from Totnes, a small town just south of Dartmoor about 45 minutes drive away from where I come from. Devon is not […]
Jim Jones Revue + The Delta Riggs @ The Zoo, 03.01.2012

After a few weeks off from photographing and a relaxing Christmas spent not doing much at all, I spend the day finding it hard to summon up anything much in the way of enthusiasm for the first gig of the New Year, Jim Jones Revue at The Zoo. I caught a few songs from the […]
Mere Noise Meltdown 2011 @ Woodland, 03.12.2011

Out of all the people putting out music in Brisbane, Mere Noise is by far and away my favourite label and has been the whole time I’ve lived in Brisbane. Mere Noise might have a much smaller roster of active bands than some of Brisbane’s more glamorous, bigger and well connected labels but those bands but are […]
Steely Dan + Steve Winwood @ Sirromet Wines, Mt Cotton, 23.10.2011

Since the early days of me getting into music during the mid 1980s, I’ve always really loved Steely Dan. I think they’ve become one of those 1970s bands that have unfairly been collected into a list of bands from that era and of that ilk unfairly summarised as “Guilty Pleasures”. I’ve always despised the phrase, […]
No Anchor + Happy New Year + Keep On Dancin’s @ The Waiting Room, 21.10.2011

Every year work takes me down to Melbourne and rural Victoria for a three to four week in late August/early September. Every time I head down I check out the local street press (Inpress and The Beat) to see what shows are on and and try and get to see some of the Brisbane acts […]
New York Dolls + Hits + Velociraptor @ The Hi-Fi, 13.10.2011

I got to see the New York Dolls a couple of time back in 2007 when I went to both the Sydney and Gold Coast V Festivals. When you get to see a band a couple times in quick succession, you realise just how planned and rehearsed everything is, from the same set lists in […]
Parklife 2011 @ The Riverstage, 01.10.2011

Originally I wasn’t sure if I was going to put into photograph Parklife again this year. It always coincides with a really busy time at work every year when I find myself flying between Brisbane and Melbourne for work all around Victoria. I guess what helped me decide was that the original call out from […]