Welcome to the Brave New World of Digital Camera 2.0
I finally took the plunge and bought a new camera. I’ve had my Minolta 5D for 3¼ years and it always was my intention to look to upgrade after 3 years. Originally there was some talk that Sony’s recently released full-frame camera, the a900, would come in at under US$2,000 so I was waiting to […]
FNQ – Cairns to Cooktown
Work took me up to Cooktown in Far North Queensland for a week. Although it’s a short flight from Cairns to Cooktown I decided to take the more leisurely drive up there. I don’t mind flying but when work takes me away from Brisbane I prefer to drive, take in the scenery and have a […]
The Lonely Coming Down Photoshoot
My friend Danica from The Holy Bible called me up again about doing a photo shoot for another band she’s in, The Lonely Coming Down. It’s the law in Brisbane that if you play in a band, you have to have to be in at least one other band… (The best example of this is […]
Time Lapse Photography – Part 1
For a long time I’ve been interested in time-lapse photography and stop motion animation with normal still cameras. Back in 2004, when I was doing my part-time two year photography course at SCOLA, I did a couple of my projects based on these topics. For one project I looked to make a music video using […]
Broken Hill: On The Road Again
Was working down in Mildura for a couple of weeks at the start of December, so took a 300km each way trip up to Broken Hill for the middle weekend. Been there before during my big 2005 road trip round a large chunk of Australia and liked it – it was more what I was […]
Abbey Medieval Festival
Got dragged along to the Abbey Medieval Festival near Cabooolture for a day back in July. ‘Medieval’ being a bit of a loose term relating to a period of 600 years or so judging by the costumes and shows… Took camera as usual, wanted to get some jousting photos but it was impossible to get […]
New Toy
After 6 weeks of Guitar Hero 2-induced RSI I finally got around to buying the real thing. Been on my list of things to buy for ages. First time picked up a guitar in about 10 years. And was almost tempted to buy another yesterday when popped into a Cash Converters in the ‘burbs… still […]
Lethargy in the UK
Had a very relaxing couple of weeks back home in mid-January for my Dad’s 60th.Lay by the fire, watched DVDs, ate, drank, went for the occasional walk down by the river or by the sea. And that was about it. Got about 6 hours in London before flew out so long enough for a $250 […]