The first, and indeed last, time I saw Rocket Science was when I photographed the first Come Together festival at Luna Park in Sydney in April 2005. This was when it was a one day festival of smaller indie/alt Australian bands, before it became a two day metal/emo festival with Australian and International bands (although the 2008 bill, is one day of indie, one day of metal/emo). After that day they seemed to completely disappear.
Although they have had their share of mishaps over the years, not least singer/organist/theremin-ist Roman Tucker’s head injury/induced coma back in 2004, it seems like they’ve being doing the marriage, children, extra-curricular band thing for the last couple years.
Good to see them back and sounding so good. In typical fashion the Zoo lighting was rubbish, although not as bad as the recent My Disco gig. I only stayed for half their set as the May Day holiday on the Monday meant that the Rave deadline was midday on Friday and, as I don’t have access to Photoshop at work, I had to sort out the photos and send them in before I went to bed.
Gentle Ben & His Sensitive Side were first band on the night but weren’t at their best. Obviously missing Texas Kate who had flown off to Germany earlier in the day for the start of the Texas Tea European tour. I Heart Hiroshima were the main support and are doing the whole tour with Rocket Science. When I first saw them, back in maybe late 2005/early 2006 I thought they were a fantastic band and tipped them for great things on certain Australian music websites. Don’t know why but they’ve never been the same since Mel left. Seem to be doing ok for themselves though, with lots of high profile tour supports and festivals.
Some more photos on flickr.
Rocket Science
I Heart Hiroshima
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