One of my favourite photographers is Anton Corbijn
I bought his U2 and i book earlier in the year as a birthday present to myself and it’s been a great source of inspiration and envy in recent months.
(Note to bands: if any of you are planning on world domination please can you let me know so I can photograph you for the next 22 years. It’ll be really cool. kthxbai).
For a long while I’ve been fed up with so many venues in Brisbane only having red light and bored with how my photos look, having to convert them to black and white all the time. So I had been thinking of doing some alternative processing and toning à la Anton Corbijn. I tried lith and cyanotype printing properly in the dark room a few years back; it took forever and came out pretty crappy, so it’s a good job I can now cheat on a computer.
I tried out a few different things with the photos I took on Friday at The Columbian of The Drones and Darling Downs. Some things work better than others but I’m happy that they at least have some colour in them and look a bit different from what I normally come up with. I expect there will be more to come in the coming weeks… Feel free to let me know what you think of them.
Some below and stuck a few more on my Flickr account.
The Drones
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