Posts Tagged ‘Dan Luscombe’

Courtney Barnett + D.D. Dumbo + Mosman Alder @ The Zoo, 11.10.2014

There was life before Kate Bush and there is life after Kate Bush. The live shows I’ve been to in the last couple of months just haven’t done it for me and it’s all La Bush’s fault for putting on the greatest show ever. Admittedly, I haven’t set my aim that high since getting back […]

The Drones + Harmony @ The Hi-Fi, Brisbane 26.09.2013

Anytime anyone and everyone photographs The Drones, they always come away with the same photos of Gareth Liddiard pressed up against his mic, his face contorted, his mouth open as he sings. Having photographed the band a number of times, once again I find myself in the situation of wanting to photograph differently and developing […]