Regurgitator + Wampire @ The Hi-Fi, 11.10.2013

Rock ‘n’ Roll is full of lame excuses but probably the most lame of all is missing a couple of bands because I was trying to buy a tie for a wedding I was going to on the following day. It’s a long story but somehow thanks to erroneous gift card swiping, via accusations that […]
The Drones + Harmony @ The Hi-Fi, Brisbane 26.09.2013

Anytime anyone and everyone photographs The Drones, they always come away with the same photos of Gareth Liddiard pressed up against his mic, his face contorted, his mouth open as he sings. Having photographed the band a number of times, once again I find myself in the situation of wanting to photograph differently and developing […]
The Mark Of Cain + Blacklevel Embassy + The Sea Shall Not Have Them @ The Hi-Fi, 21.03.2013

I always feel awkward at gigs where a band plays to a small crowd but where I’m stood right at the front photographing. It’s worse in venues where there isn’t a front barrier as at least the steelwork provides some separation between the band and the crowd and your own little area to work in. […]
School Of Seven Bells @ The Hi-Fi, 23.06.2012

The last time I saw School of Seven Bells was when they were still playing as a three piece and played on the Centre Stage straight after My Bloody Valentine at the MBV-curated Nightmare Before Xmas. How I wish it could have been the same order of proceedings at The Hi-Fi tonight. With no information made available regarding set […]
St Vincent @ The Hi-Fi, 10.03.2012

Tonight gig marks a special occasion in that I’m trying out my new camera for the very first time. I only bought a new memory card for it yesterday (it takes a completely different type of memory card to my previous camera, which means that I’m going to have to go out at some point […]
The Damned @ The Hi-Fi, 19.01.2012

The Damned have always been one of those bands that I knew who they were but outside a few songs, didn’t really know much about them, despite their importance and position in the 1970s UK punk scene. To be honest, I’ve never been that much of a fan of UK punk music; never thought much of […]
New York Dolls + Hits + Velociraptor @ The Hi-Fi, 13.10.2011

I got to see the New York Dolls a couple of time back in 2007 when I went to both the Sydney and Gold Coast V Festivals. When you get to see a band a couple times in quick succession, you realise just how planned and rehearsed everything is, from the same set lists in […]
Explosions In The Sky + Harmony @ The Hi-Fi, 13.12.2011

My last gig for 2011. Having made a first New Year’s resolution to stop photographing at Woodland at the Kurt Vile show last week, after tonight I decide that it’s time for a second resolution come January – to stop going to see instrumental post rock bands. I usually go and see these acts based on […]
…And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead + Nikko + To The North @ The Hi-Fi, 09.09.2011

It will come to a surprise to no one that I keep an annual spreadsheet for all the gigs I go to and all the bands I photograph; who, where, when, support acts, number of bands photographed, that sort of thing. Having updated the spreadsheet this week with a few gigs I hadn’t yet added, […]
OFWGKTA @ The Hi-Fi, 05.06.2011

From Kylie on Friday night to OFWGKTA on Sunday night. Odd Future have been one of the more interesting phenomenons in 2011. They’ve gone from me having never heard of them, first seeing their name on the Vivid Live bill, and suddenly being everywhere. And despite all that I wouldn’t be able to hum you […]
The Black Angels @ The Hi-Fi, 30.06.2011

The Black Angels are another one of those bands that I didn’t know a whole load about but who were recommended to me by so many people when their tour was announced that I decided to put in for it. The gig was advertised as them headlining with Joel Gion from Brian Jonestown supporting as […]
Clare Bowditch @ The HiFi, 08.10.2010

I always really enjoy photographing Claire Bowditch and have written previously that it’s impossible to take a bad photo of her. Tonight I completely dispel that theory by taking as load of rubbish in those first three songs. I don’t think it’s entirely my fault; the lighting in the Hi-Fi is typically very low and […]
Gang Of Four @ The Hi-Fi, 25.02.2011

Incredible, just incredible. I didn’t know what to expect from tonight but even more than two weeks after the show I’m still completely blown away by just how good it was. Having spent a couple of days before the gig re-familiarising myself with Entertainment! and Solid Gold I’ve hardly listened to anything else since. When bands […]
The Charlatans @ The Hi Fi, 10-11-10

I keep going to gigs in Brisbane and wondering about the atmosphere. Maybe it’s just old age and rose-tinted spectacles but I keep thinking that when I was going to gigs when I was younger, we used to have a lot more fun than punters seem to now. There keeps being a strange energy level and […]
Deerhoof + Wooden Shjips + Tenniscoats + Jefferey Lewis @ The Hi-Fi, 05-03-10

The flotsam and jetsam from the wreck of the Lost Weekend festival has been salvaged into a number of highly attractive, hastily arranged, last minute gigs over the city this weekend. With the bulk of the bands still willing and able to play lined up for a mini, all-day festival at Rosie’s on the Sunday, tonight’s […]
Tumbleweed + The Meanies + Hytest @ The Hi-Fi Brisbane 02-05-2010
Since moving to Australia, I’d heard a lot about Tumbleweed, mostly via the Time Off Message Board, all of it glowing in its praise of the band; they’ve been talked about as the main Australian band from the 1990s that missed out on becoming massive. Although I’d checked out a few songs on YouTube and […]
Monster Magnet + Regular John + Rollerball @ The Hi-Fi
I find out tonight that Monster Magnet have a completely different fan base in Australia than they do in the UK, Whilst the UK fanbase is more what I’d expect, being the typical indie/rock crowd, the audience in the Hi-Fi tonight is possibly the most bogan crowd I’ve ever experienced outside an Australian music festival. […]