Posts Tagged ‘Statler & Waldorf’

Babaganouj + Flowertruck + Statler & Waldorf @ The Brightside, 20.03.2015

I wanted to go and see Babaganouj again as I hadn’t seen them for ages but just did this show as a pay on the door, rather than actually trying to sort out accreditation. I still feel that if a band is charging less than $15 or so that I should just pay to go […]

I Used To Skate Once 10 @ The Zoo, 26.06.2014

An ever-present in my social diary as soon as they announce the dates. Looking forward to this year’s show although not sure how much the change from a Thursday night to a Friday night will change it. I liked it best when The Zoo opened at 5:30pm and I could saunter over straight from work […]