When Taasha and Tristian from The Audreys played a show in due mode at The Troubadour in May 2010, they let slip that their forthcoming third album would be called “Sometimes She Stars” and that they would be launching it at The Powerhouse in October. Come Halloween, not exactly a night you would associated with the band and would think would be the most suitable of night for them to be playing, they come good on their word. Although back to playing in full band mode, the main difference between this and previous shows is that other than the two of them, there’s a completely set of “Audreys”.
The band play in the Powerhouse Theatre, although I’ve never seen the place laid out as it is tonight, with large tables and chairs covering the floor and with only a small terrace of seating at the back of the venue. Whether or not the tables were group booked or whether you sat with a complete bunch of strangers, I don’t know; We sat at the back on the terraced seating. Having everyone in the front half sat at circular made photographing the night very different from what normally happens. Not wanting to block anyone’s view and not wanting to navigate around tables and chairs in the first three songs, I decided in advance of their set that the best tactic would be to head for the far corner and crouch there. All good in theory, less good in practice when I find that Tristian ends up blocking my view of Taasha. In the end I save the day a bit by reeling off a few photos as I’m heading back to my seat and these end up being the better images for the night.
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