Stature::Statue + Velociraptor + Dune Rats + Horse Fight + Tape/Off @ The Zoo, 28.04.2011

It’s the launch night for Stature::Statue’s debut album but also their last show. It seems to happen a lot in Brisbane that bands either make an album and either call it a day soon after (as recently done by The Rocketsmiths) or get most of the way through recording and don’t even get around to […]
HEALTH + Stature::Statue @ The Step Inn, 25-02-10
I didn’t quite know what to expect from a HEALTH show. I probably wasn’t expecting it to be the most scenester show I’ve probably been to in the time I’ve been in Brisbane, with the majority of the crowd looking like they’ve just walked out of the pages of Vice. There’s a very scenester-looking photographer […]