Having seen Sixfthick and Rollerball the night before, the weekend of Brisbane-In-Melbourne continues back at The Ding Dong Lounge with Gentle Ben And His Sensitive Side. And in a role reversal from last weekend in Brisbane, Kim Salmon (albeit playing solo and without The Surrealists) is supporting.
Gentle Ben was showing no signs of the Sixfthick gig the night before; I often wonder how he does it, especially when Sixfthick do things like their upcoming European tour and play 16 gigs in 16 days. That’s gotta hurt after a few days without a break. One of these days I’m going to have to crash a Sixfthick tour and do some more tour photography, even of it’s just a few days down in Melbourne or Sydney. It’s been just over a year since I was away in Melbourne with Butcher Birds, so about time I did it again.  Â
Tonight’s gig was for a 7 inch launch, which I didn’t realise they were releasing. Good to hear they’ve been recording again and can’t wait until the next album. In retrospect I probably should have bought a copy of the single, but not having a record player in Australia would mean a long wait until I could get to listen to it. I miss my record player. And my approximately 2,000 record collection…
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