Richmond Fontaine + Gentle Ben & His Sensitive Side @ The Troubadour, 29.05.2010

There’s an abundance of bands playing in the Valley tonight – with Texas Tea and Keep On Dancin’s at Ric’s and the R.I.P. Society Records Label Party in the Brunswick Street Mall with Dead Farmers, Royal Headache, Kitchen’s Floor and Bed Wettin’ Bad Boys – but I’m at The Troubadour again, the second of two […]
sixfthick @ Woodland, 29-10-10

First published on Collapse Board (05/11/2010). Sixfthick are the band by which I judge all the other bands in Brisbane. If you’re in a band you should be here, you should be in the front row furiously scribbling notes about how to put on a show. Tonight is their 15th anniversary show and the launch […]
Gentle Ben And His Sensitive Side + Kim Salmon @ The Ding Dong Lounge
Having seen Sixfthick and Rollerball the night before, the weekend of Brisbane-In-Melbourne continues back at The Ding Dong Lounge with Gentle Ben And His Sensitive Side. And in a role reversal from last weekend in Brisbane, Kim Salmon (albeit playing solo and without The Surrealists) is supporting. Gentle Ben was showing no signs of the […]
Sixfthick @ Roxanne Parlour
From X at The Ding Dong Lounge, it was a bit of a magical mystery tour to Roxanne Parlour, despite the venue only being just down the road. Eventually, after a walk around the block, going into a somewhat random building with no sign outside saying that this was the place and getting the lift […]
SixFtHick + Mean Streaks
What I learnt from last Saturday night: (a) I don’t take very good photos at The Troubadour; and (b) I don’t take very good photos of Jean Nicotine. Actually, I already knew both of those things… A few more here. SixFtHick Mean Streaks
Day Three: The Mean Streaks Do The Six Ft Hick Album Launch
Out of all the dates definitely the night that everyone had been most looking forward to. Jo forgot to put me on the door, so it’s a good job it was SixFtHick and my money was going to a good cause, otherwise it might have been an early night for me… The Mean Streaks played […]