Bloods + Major Leagues @ The Worker’s Club, Melbourne, 30.08.2013
I’m always surprised whenever there’s one of those lists that places Melbourne at the top of the most liveable cities. Although I only visit for a week or two every year, I always find it extremely overrated compared to its reputation. You can rationalise it by considering if money was no object, would you live […]
Spiral Stairs @ The Workers Club, Melbourne 19-09-09
If there’s a good time to release a new album that’s been over five years in the making and play a gig launching the album, it’s probably not in the same week as your old band has announced a series of reunion gigs, more than ten years after you last played. But this is where Spiral […]
DZ @ The Birmingham Hotel, Melbourne 17-09-09
Went and caught a couple of shows when I was working down in Melbourne in September, including DZ‘s Thursday night gig at the Birmingham Hotel on Johnston Street. It’s always interesting to see how well Brisbane bands do when they go out of town. For a while it looked like it might be a really […]
Gentle Ben And His Sensitive Side + Kim Salmon @ The Ding Dong Lounge
Having seen Sixfthick and Rollerball the night before, the weekend of Brisbane-In-Melbourne continues back at The Ding Dong Lounge with Gentle Ben And His Sensitive Side. And in a role reversal from last weekend in Brisbane, Kim Salmon (albeit playing solo and without The Surrealists) is supporting. Gentle Ben was showing no signs of the […]
Sixfthick @ Roxanne Parlour
From X at The Ding Dong Lounge, it was a bit of a magical mystery tour to Roxanne Parlour, despite the venue only being just down the road. Eventually, after a walk around the block, going into a somewhat random building with no sign outside saying that this was the place and getting the lift […]
X + Rollerball @ The Ding Dong Lounge
Work has taken me down to Victoria for a few weeks, but there’s always time to fit in a gig or two, especially when I had a couple of nights in Melbourne. First up was X supported by Rollerball at The Ding Dong Lounge. After a few years of only knowing Richard Sharman of Black […]
Butcher Birds Do Melbourne – Part 2
Managed to finish going through some of the backlog of photos over Xmas, starting with the Saturday of the Butcher Birds in Melbourne back in September. Not much happened on the Saturday – a day of relaxing after having gotten up at 4:30am the day before to get the plane down, running around Melbourne all […]
Butcher Birds Do Melbourne – Part 1
At the end of August ended up flying down to Melbourne and hanging out with the Butcher Birds for a couple days. Was much fun, even if there was nowhere near enough sleep, largely due to getting the 0615 flight down and having an action packed Friday which ended with the 2am show at The […]