SixFtHick Album Launch

Hope that one day will get to photograph sixfthick (a) with good lighting; (b) with a photo pit. Hope that one day will get to photograph Scul Hazzards with (a) some lighting…I did wuss out of standing against the stage (unlike last album launch….) but probably ended up in up the worst of the mosh and moved further back. Seems like ages since I last saw Sixfthick. Last time they launched an album I had seen them a lot before the launch so it was great to hear all the new stuff completely fresh for the first time. Also loving the new Gentle Ben songs and looking forward to a new album in the not too distant future. Got some nice photos during his set.

Some photos from the night here and more on flickr.


Gentle Ben & His Sensitive Side

Scul Hazzards

Butcher Birds

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