I Used To Skate Once 8 @ The Zoo, 21.06.2012

Another year, another I Used To Skate Once night at The Zoo. The years just fly by. Despite the recent quiet times and lack of gigs that I’ve been interested in photographing in recent weeks/months, I’m photographing Kirin J Callinan at Black Bear Lodge tonight so end up flitting between the two venues to catch […]
sixfthick @ Woodland, 29-10-10

First published on Collapse Board (05/11/2010). Sixfthick are the band by which I judge all the other bands in Brisbane. If you’re in a band you should be here, you should be in the front row furiously scribbling notes about how to put on a show. Tonight is their 15th anniversary show and the launch […]
Butcher Birds + Sixfthick + Loomer + Dirty Bird @ The Zoo
It seems to have taken forever and a day ( a bit like this post), but finally we got there; the Butcher Birds‘ début album launch, just about 3½ years to the very day from their very first gig at The Rev on Sunday 2 April 2006. Way back then, with half the band being fairly new to […]
X + Sixfthick @ The Zoo
Every time I see Sixfthick I make a conscious decision that I’m not going to photograph Gentle Ben as I’ve got a ridiculous amount of photos of him and would say he’s my most photographed person by a long, long way. By comparison I have hardly any photos of Dan, and even less of Tony […]
Flipper + Sixfthick + Vaginabillies @ The Step Inn
I guess I had an inkling of what a Flipper show might be like to attend and tonight I get pretty much what I expected; you can get a sense just from listening to their music without having to even read a single live review. It’s a bitter, angry, alienated, disinterested, discordant experience and tonight Bruce […]
Sixfthick @ Roxanne Parlour
From X at The Ding Dong Lounge, it was a bit of a magical mystery tour to Roxanne Parlour, despite the venue only being just down the road. Eventually, after a walk around the block, going into a somewhat random building with no sign outside saying that this was the place and getting the lift […]
SixFtHick Album Launch
Hope that one day will get to photograph sixfthick (a) with good lighting; (b) with a photo pit. Hope that one day will get to photograph Scul Hazzards with (a) some lighting…I did wuss out of standing against the stage (unlike last album launch….) but probably ended up in up the worst of the mosh […]
SixFtHick + Mean Streaks
What I learnt from last Saturday night: (a) I don’t take very good photos at The Troubadour; and (b) I don’t take very good photos of Jean Nicotine. Actually, I already knew both of those things… A few more here. SixFtHick Mean Streaks
4ZZZ Market Day 2006
Some photos from last Saturday’s 4ZZZ Market Day shindig at the RNA Showgrounds. A few below and the rest of them (193 photos of 18 or so of the 72 bands that played) are here. Violent Soho I Heart Hiroshima Sekiden The Gin Club SixFtHick The Meanies Jump 2 Light Speed CurseOvDialect
Beasts Of Bourbon + SixFtHick + Mary Trembles
A great night out with Beasts of Bourbon, SixFtHick and Mary Trembles last Saturday at QUT. Since I saw/heard them for the first time at this year’s BDO had been looking forward to the chance to shoot them. Didn’t get a wristband at the door but was happy enough shooting from the crowd, from behind […]
Cosmic Psychos + Sixfthick
The usual Saturday night trials and tribulations. Gf out with mates, 1 1/2 hours late back, and drunk. So by the time we get to The Zoo have missed Dick Nasty and half of Sixfthick. Worse mosh pit ever. Am just too old for that stuff these days. And it’s even worse when stood there […]
Day Three: The Mean Streaks Do The Six Ft Hick Album Launch
Out of all the dates definitely the night that everyone had been most looking forward to. Jo forgot to put me on the door, so it’s a good job it was SixFtHick and my money was going to a good cause, otherwise it might have been an early night for me… The Mean Streaks played […]