Amazingly, this week was is the fourth anniversary of me starting to do a regular photo blog, first on Myspace and now on This Is Not A Photo Opportunity. The actual anniversary was on Wednesday but although I’d drafted up 90% of this post it’s been a hectic week and I forgot to finish it and publish it. In those four years I have written 282 blog posts, with this post now being number 283. I guess the big news for the blog over the year was it being archived by the State Library.
Having lost my way with the site last year, there’s still a back log of blogs from last year to write, including what I can remember from 10 days of All Tomorrow’s Parties at Minehead (where I’m really regretting not writing down some notes and hoping that going through all the photos will remind me of what happened), plus all the gigs from the last month that I still need to sort out. I live in hope that one day I will be back up to date. The trouble is that it rarely stops and there are weeks where I might write a few posts but also go to a few gigs and add more to the bottom of the list, meaning little movement in the overall number still to be completed. One day, one day… Although next up is five days at the East Coast Blues & Roots festival.
To celebrate/commiserate here ‘s a link to an interview I did last year with the Harmony In Discord blog.
Thanks for reading and thanks to all the people who have taken time to comment.
Congratulations, Justin. Glad to see you’re finally (somewhat) on top of the blog backlog.
Thanks Andrew. Wouldn’t say I’m on top of the backlog yet and it hasn’t really been helped by 4 days at BluesFest