Future Islands + Curse Ov Dialect @ Triffid, 16.11.2015

I was never sold on that Future Islands appearance on Letterman, I didn’t get the hype about either them or the performance. That perception changed when they played at Laneway earlier this year, when they were one of the standout acts of the day. I think sometimes (maybe often) TV appearances just don’t translate into […]
That Was The Year That Was 2011

As it’s already heading towards March, here’s the list of what I photographed during 2011 and sometimes even manged to find the time to blog about… Sunset Sounds – Day 2 @ The Riverstage, 6 January 2011 HEALTH @ Woodland, 15 January 2011 Big Day Out @ Gold Coast Parklands, 23 January 2011 Owen Pallett […]
Joanna Newsom @ The Tivoli, 04.03.2011

First published on Collapse Board, 13.03.2011 Ironically, after the self-inflicted debacle of photographing Roxy Music earlier in the week, I get a second chance to make amends for a previous photographic misdemeanour, in the form of Joanna Newsom, who’s playing at The Tivoli for the second time in fourteen months. The last time she played at […]
Throughout The Universe, In Perpetuity: Why I Don’t Sign Copyright Grabbing Photo Contracts
I was recently interviewed by Andrew McMillen for a story that was published on The Vine about the photo release forms that photographers have to sign, mainly at the festivals and the larger stadium/arena gigs but increasingly at much smaller shows: “I didn’t sign either contract,” says Brisbane-based photographer Justin Edwards, who was covering the festival […]
This Is Not A Photo Opportunity – Blogging since 2006
Amazingly, this week was is the fourth anniversary of me starting to do a regular photo blog, first on Myspace and now on This Is Not A Photo Opportunity. The actual anniversary was on Wednesday but although I’d drafted up 90% of this post it’s been a hectic week and I forgot to finish it […]
Splendour In the Grass 2009 – Thursday
 Another year, another Splendour. It’s been a hard few weeks, what with a combination of work, working weekends to make up for the days I’m having off to go to Splendour, gigs, next day photo deadlines and The Ashes, so instead of feeling well rested and full of energy for a hard weekend’s photographing […]
‘Do You Feel Like You’re Making History?’
Excerpts from an email I received a few days ago. Dear Justin Request for permission to archive: This Is Not A Photo Opportunity http://www.notaphoto.com/ The State Library of Queensland would like to archive your website to preserve it for future generations. PANDORA, Australia’s Web Archive, was set up by the National Library of Australia in […]
That Was The Year That Was 2008
2008 was another hectic year, which in photographic terms looked something like this: Girl Talk Buck 65 The National Enter Shikari The Police Battles Scul Hazards Brisbane Sounds Died Pretty Soundwave Broken Social Scene Toto Coco Rosie The Brisbane Sound Buffalo Tom The Bellrays Sinead O’Connor Whitesnake QOTSA Jesus & Mary Chain Spectrum Wolfmother Gin […]
Splendour In The Grass – Thursday
All packed and all set for the weekend. At least I hope I am… Worked out my plan for the weekend earlier in the week and it looks like this. Saturday Sunday That’s the plan anyway, although not sure if it will happen; it largely depends on bands starting on time and ease of movement […]
Queens Of The Stone Age: The True Meaning of Era Vulgaris
Wikipedia tells us that the latest Queens Of The Stone Age album, Era Vulgaris refers to the Latin term for Common Era. The entry continues by saying that the title was chosen by Josh Homme because he thought “it sounds like ‘the Vulgar Era’, which I like, because that sounds like something that I would […]
Why I Didn’t Photograph Carol King
Tonight I was supposed to be photographing Carol King, which I had been looking forward to doing. It’s not every day you get to photograph one of the 20th century’s most renowned songwriters. But I ended up turning it down when they sent me the contract to sign. The contract said that the photos could […]