Matt & Kim + Citizen Kay + Tiger Beams @ The Zoo, 09.05.2013

Although I’d done a couple of interviews for Rave as their go-to person for taking to people about photography, and in fact my first ever effort wound up being the feature story, I’d never done a Q&A before. Having been offered one with Matt & Kim, and with no one else showing any interest, I […]
The Very Belated That Was The Year That Was 2012

If I recall correctly from a time management course that work sent me on last year, in order for something to become a habit, you need to do it 21 times consecutively in the appropriate time period, e.g. if it’s a daily action, you need to do it for 21 days in a row, if […]
That Was The Year That Was 2010

Somehow I’ve managed to make it into the second half of February without the traditional round-up of the previous year. Every year I get to this post and start off by saying the year was even more hectic than the one before and 2010 was no different. Year-on-year the number of gigs I’m photographing (and […]
This Is Not A Photo Opportunity – The Revamp
Largely based on what I’ve learnt putting together Collapse Board, I decided my own blog was well overdue for a bit of a revamp. The trouble is that it makes the posts and photos from the last 4½ years look pretty terrible. Maybe if I ever have the time I’ll go back and update all […]