Splendour In The Grass – Sunday Quick Round Up

Just got back to Brisbane.  Feeling a bit fuzzy due to lack of sleep.  Here are some photos from Sunday at Splendour.  A few more are on flickr.  A more comprehensive set of photos on the way with some proper blogs.

The Grates
The Grates

The Presets
The Presets

Robert Forster
Robert Forster

Vampire Weekend
Vampire Weekend

The Vines
The Vines


Yves Klein Blue
Yves Klein Blue

2 Responses to “Splendour In The Grass – Sunday Quick Round Up”

  1. lucky says:

    i can’t believe patience wore a batman suit. unbelievable. 🙂

    diggin that wolfmother shot by the way! he looks so dammned evil!

  2. Justin says:

    You can’t help but love The Grates. I was feeling pretty tired by the time they played from going to bed at 1:30am and getting up at 6am to edit photos but Patience’s energy levels rubbed off on me and gave me a new spring in my step.

    I think maybe it’s Andrew Stockdale’s “Bwahahaha, you’re still paying me big bucks for the same set we’ve been playing for the last 4 years”-face.

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