Parklife 2013 @ Brisbane Botanic Gardens, 29.09.2012: Part 2

The Presets were Parklife’s main stage headliners, a somewhat risky proposition given that when the lineup was announced and the tickets went on sale, they had yet to release their third album. They get a reasonable crowd but The Riverstage is nowhere near as busy as it had been during the afternoon for the likes […]
Parklife 2012 @ The Botanic Gardens, 29.09.2012 – Quick Round Up

It’s been a quiet few months post-Rave. Truth be told, I have been away from Brisbane for a large proportion of the last two months, with work taking me down to Canberra and Sydney before a four week stint in Victoria. I did go to a few gigs while in Melbourne but one was Patrick […]
Splendour In The Grass 2008– Part 6
I saw The Vines on their first UK tour at ULU in April 2002 (for bragging rights it was a shame I didn’t go see them a month earlier at the Camden Barfly…) and watched a really boring show in amongst an mostly arms-folded, unexcited crowd who were not being convinced that they were worth […]
Splendour In The Grass – Sunday Quick Round Up
Just got back to Brisbane. Feeling a bit fuzzy due to lack of sleep. Here are some photos from Sunday at Splendour. A few more are on flickr. A more comprehensive set of photos on the way with some proper blogs. The Grates The Presets Robert Forster Vampire Weekend The Vines Wolfmother Yves Klein Blue