If there’s a lesson to be learnt from tonight it’s not to cover two gigs (with eight bands in total) at two different venues, even if they are only afew hundred metres apart. In a perfect world there wouldn’t have been a problem as the times at the two venues complemented each other almost perfectly, with the set-up times at each venues coinciding with bands onstage and playing at the other venue. But the plans are already out of the window when the first band at The Troubadour, Lion Island, start more than 20 minutes later than advertised and instead of getting to see most of everyone who’s playing tonight’s sets, it becomes a case of running between venues and only getting to see a few songs.
Despite starting late, I did like what I saw of Lion Island; like a more folky version of Arcade Fire.
After a brief sejourn to The Zoo I was back for McKisko although with the audience all sat down from front to back of the venue I feigned apathy and took a few photos from the very back, just to prove I was there more than anything.
Depite the late start the lost time doesn’t get made up over the course of the night through shortened setup times, despite Tiny Vipers playing solo with only a acoustic guitar for accompaniment. Instead of getting to stay and see the majority of her set, the plan is changed to only stay for a couple of songs, get a few usable photos and get back to The Zoo for Butcher Birds album launch. However, she doesn’t pause between the first few songs and drops the 10+ minute Life on Earth, the title track of her second album, as her second song, whilst I clock-watch as the Butcher Birds start time back at The Zoo approaches and eventually passes. Even more infuriating is she plays with her eyes closed and it becomes one of those gigs where the you’re reduced to using any gaps between songs when the artist might talk to the audience and have their eyes open to take photos, except, as I mentioned before she segues the first few songs together. So after three songs, already late for the Butcher Birds, I have to give up and go, even though the photos aren’t anything special. A shame, as I was looking forward to seeing a lot more of her. Hopefully next time she plays it won’t clash with anything else.
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