Unconvention @ The Edge, 12 & 13 June 2010

I really wish I’d written some notes about the first UnConvention back in June 2010. Normally I try to add a few notes to use as a basis for a post when I set it up in WordPress or alternatively copy and paste relevent tweets into the draft post to act as an aide memoire […]
Brisbane Sounds 2010 – The Gin Club, Grand Atlantic, The Cairos, Lion Island, Coalition Crew, Dirtybird @ The Zoo, 27-02-10

More photos from the archive.
Paddington Fair @ Neal Macrossan Park, Paddington 05-06-10
Spent the afternoon at Paddington Fair, ate too many hot dogs and churros, drank too much Solo, sat on the grass and took a few quick photos of some of the bands with the camera that I had dragged along with me. Gentle Ben & His Sensitive Side Pineapples From The Dawn Of Time Velociraptor Lion […]
Tiny Vipers @ The Troubadour 03-10-09
If there’s a lesson to be learnt from tonight it’s not to cover two gigs (with eight bands in total) at two different venues, even if they are only afew hundred metres apart. In a perfect world there wouldn’t have been a problem as the times at the two venues complemented each other almost perfectly, with the set-up […]