All Tomorrow’s Parties December 2009 – 10 Years of ATP – Part 4

Sunday. Day three of Ten Days of ATP. Day 10 and the last day of the ATP adventure. However, after nine days of eating crap and drinking more that I’ve probably drunk since I was 18 and was just starting university, my body gives up. I finally get to see Shellac and it was worth […]
All Tomorrow’s Parties December 2009 – 10 Years of ATP – Part 3

And so to The Drones, who get some favourable time-tabling by being the first band on the Centre Stage after proceedings have finished on the Pavilion Stage for the day. However, disappointingly the turnout for them is one of the smallest of the weekend, although this makes it easier to get to the barrier and […]
All Tomorrow’s Parties December 2009 – 10 Years of ATP – Part 2

The line-up for the Saturday of Ten Years of ATP is the high point of the weekend, the pinnacle of the ten days I will have spent at Butlins Minehead on this trip, the ultimate in ATP-ness, boasting a Pavilion stage line-up of Afrirampo, Dirty Three, Battles and The Breeders, interspersed with the likes of […]
All Tomorrow’s Parties December 2009 – 10 Years of ATP – Part 1

More from the ‘Better Late Than Never (Maybe) files, this time the Ten Years of ATP festival at Butlins Minhead, otherwise known as Days 8 to 10 of my 2009 ATP Butlins Minehead experience, the final leg after the three day MBV Nightmare Before Xmas weekend and the four days of In Between Days. With […]