Posts Tagged ‘Metallica’

Soundwave 2013 @ RNA Showgrounds, Saturday 23 February 2013 – Part 3

Cancer Bats are yet another one of those Stage 4 bands that, a few weeks on, I have no clear recollection of. All the Stage 4 band have just all blended into one. Danko Jones fill some time between bands, although I don’t know anything about them. Band fatigue has well and truly set in […]

Soundwave 2013 on Film

I can remember saying when I got my first digital camera that I saw no reason to stop using my film camera and expected to keep using both cameras side-by-side.  For a while I did keep photographing gigs in film and digital but it didn’t last too long.  Since that time I’ve had rolls of random […]

Soundwave 2013, RNA Showgrounds, 23.02.2013 – The Belated Quick Round-Up

This year’s Soundwave was a whole lot of hard work. Earlier in the week it looked like it was going to be a wash out, with heavy rain forecast for the week, bringing back memories of the 2011 festival and standing in a few inches of water at the second stage. Although there was some […]