Posts Tagged ‘HP5’

Soundwave 2013 on Film

I can remember saying when I got my first digital camera that I saw no reason to stop using my film camera and expected to keep using both cameras side-by-side.  For a while I did keep photographing gigs in film and digital but it didn’t last too long.  Since that time I’ve had rolls of random […]

Violent Soho on Film 28-05-09

 Having seen and photographed Violent Soho plenty of times over the last few years and having photographed them recently in The Zoo car park, I took the opportunity to relax from needing to get editorial photos for publication and take a roll of film instead when they supported …And You Will Know Us By The […]

Villains of Wilhelm + White Mansions @ UnderExposed

One of the definite downsides to photographing regularly (See: Always) for publications is that it can be hard to relax, enjoy your photography, mess around, experiment, have fun; it’s always about getting the shot and this can easily take up all your time and focus at a gig because you have to deliver the goods. […]