It’s interesting reading what I wrote about the last time HEALTH played in Brisbane towards the end of last February. Writing that “…you can’t help but think that in five years time it’ll sound really dated. Time will of course tell but it’s hard to tell whether their primary fan base will have moved on to the next big thing by the time they come around again” might not look like the greatest of predictions given that they’re playing a bigger show tonight but when I wrote those words it was assuming that they wouldn’t be back for a few years.
As with that show at the Step Inn, it’s brought out all the scenesters/hipsters/call them what you will, and in greater numbers than last time. Standing in the queue to get in, and looking along the line, I think I’m the only guy not wearing three-quarter length trousers and/or black-rimmed glasses and/or a hat. Hipster levels reach their pinnacle during HEALTH’s set when I find myself stood next to a guy wearing a straw boater and with his trousers tucked into his socks; being at a HEALTH gig in Brisbane you can appreciate how the Queensland slang term of New Waver came about.
After a return-to-form set by DZ (or DZDEATHRAYS as they now go by), The Death Set are fairly terrible; I didn’t know what to expect but heard the term “punk” used, but it’s punk for people who dress too fashionably to listen to actual punk, which ends up sounding like a bad Green Day/Beastie Boys hybrid.
As for HEALTH, everything I said last time is still true; it’s fast, furious and the drumming is great.
Having been on the edge of the mosh, but stuck in the same position against the stage to get some photographs, I move out of the throng to try to get a few photos from a different angle from the other side of the venue and also try to get some photos of drummer BJ Miller. Whilst I’m doing this I get a tap on my shoulder and when I lower my camera am greeted by a guy giving me two thumbs up and a cheesy grin. I give him a nod of recognition and get back to trying to get some photos when there’s another tap on my shoulder. Same guy, same expression. Back to photographing, more tapping. I try to ignore it, it doesn’t stop. I lower my camera, same guy, two thumbs up, cheesy grin. So I move around the venue to a different position, put camera to my eye. And guess what? So without even looking up I pack my camera away and walk out.
It had been a long week; it was the week of the Brisbane floods. It started with the worry that my apartment block (by the river) would flood, although luckily it didn’t, and ended with helping clear out an apartment that had been severely flood damaged. What the week didn’t really need was an annoying prick trying my patience. I don’t know what it is about holding a camera that makes people think that you’re fair game for any sort of abuse or hassle, when like anyone else you’re there just trying to relax and enjoy yourself. I bet it wasn’t like this in the days before website social pages.
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