Deerhoof + Sky Needle + Tight Slip @ Woodland, 10.01.2012

It’s probably the hottest day of the summer so far and although I’m heading to a gig in the Valley, I’m feeling a bit smug about the whole thing as it’s at Woodland and not The Zoo. The Zoo may be my favourite venue in Brisbane but over summer it turns into a real sweat-box that makes seeing […]
Mere Noise Meltdown 2011 @ Woodland, 03.12.2011

Out of all the people putting out music in Brisbane, Mere Noise is by far and away my favourite label and has been the whole time I’ve lived in Brisbane. Mere Noise might have a much smaller roster of active bands than some of Brisbane’s more glamorous, bigger and well connected labels but those bands but are […]
Kurt Vile & The Violators + Blank Realm + Kellie Lloyd @ Woodland, 08.12.2011

The afternoon doesn’t get off to the best of starts when the set times are tweeted: Kellie Lloyd at 9:15pm, Blank Realm at 10:15pm and Kurt Vile at 11:15pm. It brings a quick tweeted response of my darkened mood. It’s a Thursday night, I have work to go to tomorrow and I do not want […]
Flavours Of Scuzz @ Woodland, 09.07.2011

The Bands: A+ On paper it was an unbelievably good looking line-up but if there’s one thing that always elevates gigs and festivals it’s coming away having seen/heard/experienced some bands that you’ve never seen before but which you really want to see again and hope that they come back to Brisbane soon. There might have only […]
Inland Sea @ Woodland, 30.10.2010

I didn’t put in to cover this but instead went along as a paying punter and took my camera to get a few quick shots during the few couple of songs as it was the bands CD launch. The first time I saw Inland Sea I was totally blown away but disappointingly I don’t think […]
Ty Segall + Tiny Migrants @ Woodland, 07.07.2011

Another Thursday night gig, another Thursday night at Woodland and another gig where I only know the headline act by reputation and recommendation rather than a real familiarity with the songs. The times have been put up on Facebook but based on previous form I’m not too worried to be running more than twenty minutes […]
Boomgates + Super Wild Horses + Per Purpose @ Woodland, 07.05.2011

My first trip to Woodland last year (to see sixfthick) was really enjoyable and I had high hopes for the new venue. However, in the last 6 or so months I’ve found myself disliking the place more and more. It’s no big issue really, I mean I don’t like loads of the venues in Brisbane […]
Deadshits #2 @ Woodland, 28.01.2011

A mixed evening of highs and lows: The Highs Boomgates Assassins88 Superstar Per Purpose Bands playing on the floor The hard lighting from those cheap external working/security lights (usually painted yellow, with grille over the front) The Lows Circle Pit Holy Balm, mainly because of the huge gap between Assassins88 and Holy Balm playing, despite […]
Deadshits #1 @ Woodland, 05.11.2010

I didn’t write down any notes from this night, which is a shame as the specifics of the night, as experienced by me at least, have been lost to the ages. It was a good night all around though, and I do remember Blank Realm being fairly outstanding; they’re definitely one of Brisbane’s best bands […]
HEALTH + The Death Set + DZ @ Woodland, 15-01-11

It’s interesting reading what I wrote about the last time HEALTH played in Brisbane towards the end of last February. Writing that “…you can’t help but think that in five years time it’ll sound really dated. Time will of course tell but it’s hard to tell whether their primary fan base will have moved on […]
sixfthick @ Woodland, 29-10-10

First published on Collapse Board (05/11/2010). Sixfthick are the band by which I judge all the other bands in Brisbane. If you’re in a band you should be here, you should be in the front row furiously scribbling notes about how to put on a show. Tonight is their 15th anniversary show and the launch […]