Sonic Masala Festival @ Greenslopes Bowls Club, 21.06.2014

Even though it’s less than six months outside the Australian summer music festival season, today shows just how out of practice I am, at least from a physical sense of coping with an all day event, as those comfy couches dotted around Greenslopes Bowls Club provide a safe haven for most of the day when […]
Apr 20, 2015 | Categories: Music Photography | Tags: 2014, Andrew Tuttle, Angie, Barge WAAOI, Boss Fight, Brainbeau, Brisbane, Cobwebbs, El Motel, Gazar Strips, Ghost Notes, Greenslopes Bowls Club, I A Man, Keep On Dancin's, Nana Vigilante, Narrow Land, Pale Earth, Scul Hazzards, Seaplane, Sonic Masala Fest 2014, Spartak, Tape/Off, The Steady As She Goes, The Stress Of Leisure, Tiny Migrants, Turnpike | Leave A Comment »