BIGSOUND 2015, 10.09.2015 – Part 2

The final set of photos from BigSound 2015. Highlights were Jonny Telephone at Ric’s, one of the pleasant surprises of the whole thing, and, as yesterday, Major Leagues and Totally Mild. I’d never seen Waax before and they were fun to photograph as was Milwaukee Banks. I’m not a fan of the music but really […]
BIGSOUND 2015, 09.09.2015 – Part 2

I’ve been too lazy to sort out the Bigsound photos by the time the acts played, instead you get them by alphabetical order, with Part 2 of the first night being the bands starting with a letter between L – W. Highlights from this set of photos from the first night of showcases are Major […]
Bloods + Major Leagues @ The Worker’s Club, Melbourne, 30.08.2013

I’m always surprised whenever there’s one of those lists that places Melbourne at the top of the most liveable cities. Although I only visit for a week or two every year, I always find it extremely overrated compared to its reputation. You can rationalise it by considering if money was no object, would you live […]