BIGSOUND 2015, 10.09.2015 – Part 2

The final set of photos from BigSound 2015. Highlights were Jonny Telephone at Ric’s, one of the pleasant surprises of the whole thing, and, as yesterday, Major Leagues and Totally Mild. I’d never seen Waax before and they were fun to photograph as was Milwaukee Banks. I’m not a fan of the music but really […]
BIGSOUND 2015, 09.09.2015 – Part 1

I went to BigSound and photographed a lot of bands across the two nights of live showcases. It’s one of those occasions where photo opportunities are maximised at the expense of spending time with any of the acts. Highlights from this first set of photos were the musically-worlds-apart Aldous Harding and High Tension. The Aldous […]
Hunz @ Ric’s, 13-03-10
I recently blogged (in a backlog blog from last year) that one of the highlight’s of the Big Sound Conference gigs was Hunz’s show at X & Y Bar. It seems to be a bit of a fallow time for bands in Brisbane at the moment so it’s always really good to discover something ‘new’ […]
Howling Bells + Other Stuff
The usual weekend last weekend – out drinking and seeing bands. Thought I’d better stick some up here before I go out and do it all again this weekend… So here’s some photos of Howling Bells and Bit By Bats from the Columbian Bar on Saturday night, Wolf & Cub and Butcher Birds from The […]
Exhibition No. 1
My exhibition at Ric’s finished on Sunday. Thanks to everyone who said nice stuff to me about my photos. And extra super thanks to the people that bought photos; I’m really flattered and honoured that you thought that highly of my photos to think them good enough to hang on your walls. I’ll probably do […]
Side Effects + Butcher Birds Photos
Been a long few weeks with too much proper work and far too much overtime but decided I needed a bit of a break today so sorted out the photos of Butcher Birds at The Rev and Side Effects at Ric’s from couple of Fridays ago. The next few weeks are going to be bad […]