Powderfinger + Jet + You Am I @ The Riverstage, 13.11.2010

In a way I’ve already summarised Powderfinger’s last ever show in the post about the Vegas Kings’ last show, which took place later that same night. On one side of Brisbane, down by the river, Powderfinger are playing the final show of their illustrious 20 year career. Surprisingly, given the demand, that is the fourth show […]
Deadshits #1 @ Woodland, 05.11.2010

I didn’t write down any notes from this night, which is a shame as the specifics of the night, as experienced by me at least, have been lost to the ages. It was a good night all around though, and I do remember Blank Realm being fairly outstanding; they’re definitely one of Brisbane’s best bands […]
The Charlatans @ The Hi Fi, 10-11-10

I keep going to gigs in Brisbane and wondering about the atmosphere. Maybe it’s just old age and rose-tinted spectacles but I keep thinking that when I was going to gigs when I was younger, we used to have a lot more fun than punters seem to now. There keeps being a strange energy level and […]