Posts Tagged ‘UnderExposed’

UnderExposed Closing Weekend Gigs

Having taken a roll of film at the middle-weekend Saturday night UnderExposed gig, I decided to go back to digital for the last couple of gigs. Not sure why, as I had been delighted at the results of using and developing a roll of film for the first time in over three years; possibly because […]

Villains of Wilhelm + White Mansions @ UnderExposed

One of the definite downsides to photographing regularly (See: Always) for publications is that it can be hard to relax, enjoy your photography, mess around, experiment, have fun; it’s always about getting the shot and this can easily take up all your time and focus at a gig because you have to deliver the goods. […]

UnderExposed Launch

The UnderExposed exhibition that I have previously blogged about and more formally written about opened on Thursday night with the VIP/private viewing night. And it was a really fantastic night. I got there just before the official opening time and definitely had a real sense of awe at walking into the gallery and seeing all […]

Rave’s UnderExposed Edition

This week’s edition of Rave has the UnderExposed exhibition on the front cover.  The montage includes one of my Afrirampo photos (just underneath the ‘-VE” of RAVE).  The lead feature is a story I wrote about music photography to promote the exhibition, based on an interview with Time Off photographer Stephen Booth, one of the […]

UnderExposed – An Exhibition by Brisbane Concert Photographers

I am exhibiting a number of my photos in ‘UnderExposed – An Exhibition by Brisbane Concert Photographers’ at the Joshua Levi Gallery in Woollangabba.  The exhibition opening night is on Friday 17 April and it runs until Monday 4 May.  As well as the  music photography exhibition, the event also has  live music on the Friday and Saturday […]