School Of Seven Bells @ The Hi-Fi, 23.06.2012

The last time I saw School of Seven Bells was when they were still playing as a three piece and played on the Centre Stage straight after My Bloody Valentine at the MBV-curated Nightmare Before Xmas. How I wish it could have been the same order of proceedings at The Hi-Fi tonight. With no information made available regarding set […]
All Tomorrow’s Parties – The Nightmare Before Xmas 2009 – Part 5

Into the home straight of MBV’s Nightmare Before Xmas weekend, although in reality it’s just the end of the first three days of the ATP adventure, with four days of In Between Days and the long weekend of Ten Years of ATP still to come. Again, no notes were written and it’s a long time ago to try and drag […]
School of Seven Bells @ The Zoo
School of Seven Bells‘ debut album, ‘Alpinisms‘, has been on high rotation round these parts in recent weeks; it’s a pretty good modern shoegaze album, although being the modern age it’s way too long, especially so for a debut album, and would have benefitted by losing a 3 or 4 songs, possibly the ones where they sound too […]