Posts Tagged ‘Harmonia’

ATP Mt Buller: Part 5

If there is one major criticism that could be leveled at the ATP Australian line-up, it’s that it’s very male and very middle-aged. In that respect, Afrirampo are like a breath of fresh air. Sure, they have the whole clichéd Japanese female punk band thing, with the colorful outfits (resplendent with artistic face make up), the […]

All Tomorrow’s Parties – Mt Buller: Saturday Quick Round-Up

Saturday was probably an even better day than Friday. Here’s a quick round-up. Time to start going through all the photos in a bit more detail now and to try to remember all the things that happened over the weekend, a tall order all things considered. I probably should have taken some notes as I […]

Coming Soon: All Tomorrow’s Parties @ Mount Buller

Got confirmed yesterday to go and take photos at All Tomorrow’s Parties at Mount Buller, down in Victoria. It’s going to be awesome. Also going as a punter to the show at the Brisbane Riverstage, to get an extra fix of Spiritualized whilst they’re in the country.  And look to replace my two well-worn glow-in-the-dark Spiritualized t-shirts…  […]