Posts Tagged ‘Laughing Clowns’

Dirty Three @ The Tivoli 25-01-10

Back in the good old days of film cameras, one of the harder things to keep a check on, in addition to whether any of the photos you’d taken were actually any good, was how many photos you’d taken of each band member.  Many a frustrating Sunday morning was spent developing films in the darkroom […]

Laughing Clowns @ The Tivoli 25-01-10

I don’t think I’ve ever given a support band a separate post, normally just including the headliner and all the support band musings and photos all in the one post.  But tonight Ed Kuepper hinted that this might be the last time that we get to see Laughing Clowns and as it’s been such a […]

Laughing Clowns @ GoMA

Following on from their ATP Australia shows, Laughing Clowns returned to Brisbane to play their own show as part of the Up Late season for the GoMA’s Optimism exhibition. It was another excellent performance from the band, and one that was surprisingly well attended. There probably weren’t as many people as at Wolfmother’s gig at […]

ATP Mt Buller: Part 6

Despite only living in Melbourne, a reluctance to play anywhere near as north as Brisbane in a number of years makes Rowland S Howard a real personal draw-card. Having never seen him in the flesh his gaunt appearance is a bit of a shock, but he is in good humour, and with his excellent but […]

All Tomorrow’s Parties – Mt Buller: Saturday Quick Round-Up

Saturday was probably an even better day than Friday. Here’s a quick round-up. Time to start going through all the photos in a bit more detail now and to try to remember all the things that happened over the weekend, a tall order all things considered. I probably should have taken some notes as I […]

Coming Soon: All Tomorrow’s Parties @ Mount Buller

Got confirmed yesterday to go and take photos at All Tomorrow’s Parties at Mount Buller, down in Victoria. It’s going to be awesome. Also going as a punter to the show at the Brisbane Riverstage, to get an extra fix of Spiritualized whilst they’re in the country.  And look to replace my two well-worn glow-in-the-dark Spiritualized t-shirts…  […]