Big Day Out 2014 @ Metricon Stadium, 19.01.2014: Part 1

This year’s Big Day Out line-up wasn’t the greatest, to say the very least. It was clear that the organisers spent their money on the three big bands at the top of the bill, leaving them little to flesh out the rest of the day. Although I was never much of a fan, getting to […]
Splendour In The Grass 2009 – Part 2
 Bluejuice are a band that’s yet to win me over, having seen them at last year’s Splendour and then a few months later supporting We Are Scientists at The Zoo. As Stav from the band kindly commented on that post (and which shamefully I didn’t get around to replying to), they’re obviously not my […]
We Are Scientists + Bluejuice @ The Zoo
This night was one of those very rare occasions at The Zoo when you’re given a photo pass and told “first three, no flash”. Whilst I can deal with this “industry standard”, it is a pain when it’s at a small venue without a photo pit and without much in the way of lighting. Support […]
Splendour In The Grass 2008 – Part 1
It’s a leisurely start to the weekend at Splendour. Have some breakfast, Adam turns up at the hotel, we check, double-check, tripled-check that we all have everything we need for the day’s photographing and Adam drives us up to the site. Then we wave my media pass at various people working on the gate and completely […]
Splendour In The Grass – Saturday Quick Round Up
One day down, one to go. It was a long hard day. To bed at 1:20am last night, alarm at 6am to sort the photos to go to off for consideration for print and start editing and uploading a few to flickr.  The first batch of photos are here. Plenty more to come from yesterday plus […]