HITS + The Horrortones @ Triffid, 03.05.2015
The continuing series of first time visits to new/refurbished venues continues with a first time expedition to Triffid. I miss living in the inner suburbs close to the city, and if I still lived where I use to live in Teneriffe, this venue would have basically been at the end of my road, within a […]
Babaganouj + Flowertruck + Statler & Waldorf @ The Brightside, 20.03.2015
I wanted to go and see Babaganouj again as I hadn’t seen them for ages but just did this show as a pay on the door, rather than actually trying to sort out accreditation. I still feel that if a band is charging less than $15 or so that I should just pay to go […]
Jessie J @ Eatons Hills Hotel, 13.03.2015
I photographed Jessie J at the Riverstage last time she toured as well as her set the following day at the always horrible Future Music Festival and it was fun to photograph (apart from the whole Doomben crowd experience obviously). It’s always good to get away from a typical night of photographing indie bands standing […]
Mogwai + Mick Turner @ The Tivoli, 04.03.2015
I’ve seen Mogwai a number of festivals but only for a handful of songs before needing to go and photograph another band on a different stage at the other end of the festival site. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a complete set, which makes tonight a special event. It’s disappointing that the lights are […]
The Courtneys + Hinds + The Furrs + Soviet X-Ray Record Club @ Black Bear Lodge, 19.02.2015
Even at the time it felt like this was going to be one of the year’s best shows. I felt sorry for The Courtneys, headlining the night and having to follow Hinds and having to do so to a much reduced audience. I don’t know the story about why or how Hinds found themselves to […]
Laneway 2015 @ RNA Showgrounds, Brisbane, 31.01.2015 – Part 3
It’s the evening of the Asian Cup Final and the VIP bar is a lot more full then it should be as Laneway reaches the pointy end of the day and the festival’s big names start to make their appearances. What’s interesting is that I can spot a number of reviewers preferring to watch the […]
Laneway 2015 @ RNA Showgrounds, Brisbane, 31.01.2015 – Part 1
In recent years I’ve generally concluded that Laneway is the best of the major Australian festivals, the depressing thing that in 2015 it’s almost gains that complement by default through being the only festival left. Depressingly for me it means that my festival season is over and done with by the end of January. I […]
ZA! @ The Zoo, 23.01.2015
Straight after the Shonen Knife show at GoMA, it was a quick bus ride to the Valley for the Johnny & The Fembots show at Black Bear Lodge. The plan was to photograph this show as well but as the band had already started playing by the time we got there and the front of […]
Shonen Knife @ GoMA, 23.01.2015
However badly the previous year went from a photographic perspective, the start of a new year always brings new hope. It’s a bit like the first day of the football season, that sunny day in August when the outlook is unduly positive and anything is possible. This year is different though as unlike any in […]